The project “Gurjaani Academy - Regional Gastronomic Buildup” started

19 June 2024

In the frame of the project “Gurjaani Academy - Regional Gastronomic Buildup” - implemented in partnership with the USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program, from June 16-29, 9 trainers in the direction of confectioner, baker, and F&B management will undergo a 2-week Training of Trainer training course at the Basque Culinary Center in Spain.


On June 17, the first visit to the Basque Culinary Center was held. The visit was introductory, within which the representatives of the administration of the Basque Culinary Center and the professors introduced the trainers to the history of the Basque Culinary Center, the current training programs, and achievements. Also, the trainers got acquainted with the two-week action plan of the pieces of training.  At the end of the meeting, the participants were given a tour of the campus.