About Us

One of the priorities of Caucasus University is an internationalization of education. The University recognizes the requirements of the global education market and supports the strengthening of international experience in educational programs, including mobility of students and academic personnel, joint educational programs and international cooperation within research projects.


Since its establishment, the Caucasus University has been collaborating with various universities around the world, with current 253 partners in 65 countries.


International Relations Department, based on bilateral cooperation agreement with partner universities, implements exchange and dual degree programs, short-term training courses, summer and scholarship programs.


The information posted on this website, will allow you to get acquainted with the cooperation with the international partners of CU and current programs. Students, academic and administrative personnel of CU will receive necessary information about the possibilities and experiences of studying and working abroad. Foreign students, interested in studying at CU, will have the opportunity to select desired study programs and receive information regarding the continuation of their studies and leaving in Georgia.


Internationalization Policy of Caucasus University.


The Rule of Selecting Partner Universities and of Attracting Foreign Students and Academic, Scientific, Invited Personnel.


The Rule  of Implementing Joint Educational Programs, Participating in Exchange Programs and Enrolling
Foreign Students.


About CU