Swedish Institute Baltic Sea Cooparation
“Winnet Model Goes East“
The overall long term objective of the Winnet Model Goes East is to contribute to Sustainable Gender Equal Growth in Eastern Partnership Regions in close cooperation with EUBSR by strengthen the Winnet Model. A Capacity Building and Development of regional cooperation in EUBSR and Eastern Partnership Countries regions.
Specific objectives of the project are the following:
- To create a Winnet Eastern Partnership Platform for Gender and Economic Growth;
- To develop the Winnet Model for Gender Sensitive Entrepreneurship, Business and Innovation Support in ICT, creative industries as key sectors for implementation and co-operation;
- To develop Winnet Centre of Excellence® in Eastern region, for policy oriented evident research on Gender and Economic Growth;
- To increase knowledge of the Winnet Model, with focus on WRC: for change, Gender and Sustainable Growth – with a multi-governance perspective;
Coordinating Institution: Winnet Sweden
Project partners: Caucasus University (CU) - Georgia, University of Szczecin (US) - Poland, NGO ”ECOU-XXI” - Moldova, Association Rietavas Women Employment Center Public Institution Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Center - Lithuania.