The project aims, first, to examine the background, comparable causes and the role of the media in the context of the frozen conflicts or open armed conflicts in Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia, taking into account the recent developments in Belarus. The main objective is to expand and sustainably consolidate the existing network of the "Media Dialogue" to underline the importance of (media) dialogue and discourse. At the same time, the collaboration between the participating journalist organisations and the universities involved in the project will be strengthened. The main goal of the project is to achieve the relation to the project countries, the Federal Republic of Germany and the EU through active media work.


Under the guidance of media trainers, the project participants will create media projects to accompany the project: Blog / Photo + Video + Podcast, which will be published on the following websites:   http://infocenter.com.ua/ https://youth4media.eu/ and http://mediadialogue.eu/en/


The project is funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.


For more information, please visit the project Web-Page


Project dates: July, 2021- December, 2021