We are pleased to inform you that the call for applications to the Austrian Fellowship programs are open for PhD students, researchers and lecturers.
- Richard Plaschkaprogram:
Program is open for highly qualified researchers in the field of history who are primarily occupied with Austria-related topics. Duration of the program is 4-18 months depended on applicant needs. Scholarship is up to 1250 euros and travel fees will be refunded up to 1000 euros. Applicants are able to live in student dormitory which cost 220-600 euros a month. Closing date for application is 01.03.2023 for spring semester and 15.09.2023 for autumn semester.
For further information please visit the link and search “Richard Plaschka fellowship”
- The Franz Werfelscholarship program:
Program is open for highly qualified researchers in the field of Austrian literature. Duration of the program is 4-9 months depended on applicant needs. Scholarship is up to 1250 euros and travel fees will be refunded up to 1000 euros.
Applicants are able to live in student dormitory which cost 220-600 euros a month. Closing date for application is 01.03.2023 for spring semester and 15.09.2023 for autumn semester.
For further information please visit the link and search The Franz Werfel fellowship.
Good Luck!