VIRTUALLYEDU – Virtual Exchanges and Education Digital Skills

7 July 2024

Together with the Higher Educational Institutions and youth organizations from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Sweden, Caucasus University announces the admission on the online educational program, VIRTUALLYEDU – Virtual Exchanges and Education Digital Skills.


The purpose of the virtual mobility for the participants is to develop knowledge regarding the cybersecurity and digital technologies, as well as to participate in the digital hackathon.


Before the start of the program implementation, the participants will have the opportunity to attend the orientation meeting in order to understand better the structure of the educational program and expected outcomes.


  • Program implementation method: virtual mobility via Zoom platform;
  • Duration of the program: 70 hours (30 hours of online lectures, 40 independent hours);
  • Program Term: virtual mobility means a short-term intensive programs per semester offered to the participants which starts on July 7 of the current semester;
  • Criteria for participation: participation is possible for the student with an active student status;


In case of the interest, please fill out the registration link or/and contact the program coordinator on the following email address: .


VIRTUALLYEDU – Virtual Exchanges and Education Digital Skills is an Erasmus+ funded institutional development project, which aims to connect the youth of the Europe and Eastern Neighborhood regions with the students, faculty members and academic personnel of the Higher Educational Institutions, which will facilitate the development of the digital skills, employment promotion and strengthening of youth network between Europe and eastern Neighborhood countries.


Good Luck!