We would like to inform you, that the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and Education and Youth Board offer Scholarships for degree and exchange study in Estonia.
We would like to inform you, that the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and Education and Youth Board offer Scholarships for degree and exchange study in Estonia.
Please be informed that University American College Skopje is announcing one scholarship for master's programs for the 2022-2023 academic year.
კინგსის კოლეჯი, ლონდონი, (King’s College, London) აცხადებს სასტიპენდიო კონკურსს სტრატეგიული კომუნიკაციების ერთწლიანი სამაგისტრო პროგრამებისთვის 2022-2023 სასწავლო წლისთვის.
უზბეკეთის რესპუბლიკის აბრეშუმის გზის ტურიზმის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტი აცხადებს სასტიპენდიო კონკურსს 2022-2023 სასწავლო წლისთვის შემდეგ სამაგისტრო პროგრამებზე:
International Summer School on Business Administration, Babes-Bolyai University
Summer School will take place from 18-23 July, in Cluj-Napoca.
We would like to inform you that the University of California, Berkeley is pleased to announce student admission to the Summer Sessions 2021 which will be held in the following sequence:
European Law and Governance School, ELGS, in partnership with EPLO, European Public Administration Organization, is announcing admissions for summer programs.
IQS School of Management (Universitat Ramon Llull) in Barcelona, Spain, announces a doctoral grant for the “Business and Territorial Competitiveness, Innovation and Sustainability” doctoral program.
The West University of Timisoara is offering various courses for Bachelor/Master's level students.
Please be informed, that CETYS University, Mexico, invites you to participate in the CETYS International Summer Program 2022.