On June 26-30, 2023, within the framework of the program (Erasmus+ Mobility program) funded by the European Commission, which operates on the basis of the existing memorandum of cooperation between the School of Governance, Caucasus University and the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, a doctoral student and guest lecturer of the Caucasus School of Governance, Rati Tvalavadze, participated in the one-week summer school (Radboud Summer School) and attended the lecture course - "Gaming approaches for Analyzing and Supporting Complex Decision-Making".
Within the course, with the involvement of local professors, the role of games and simulations approach in the research and lecture process was discussed. During the course, the participants created simulation games themselves as an assignment, which focused on perceiving and understanding the complexities of strategic and complex decision-making. The mentioned approach has an important role in the modern international academic space, and the presence of a representative in such courses is important for the establishment of these trends in the Caucasus University.