PhD students of Caucasus School of Business and Caucasus School of Law visit Radboud University, The Netherlands

28 July 2022


PhD students of Caucasus School of Business and Caucasus School of Law: Tamari Karbaia, Miranda Tsintskiladze, Rusudan Kvantaliani and Tatia Uberi, visited the Radboud University, the Netherlands, under the Erasmus+ financed mobility program. 


Withing the mobility program, students have participated in the Radboud University one-week 2022 addition Summer School Program. Students had the opportunity to attend cycle of intensive lectures on Social Research Methods thematic classes: Research Methods and Language Development for Academic Writing; Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis; Comparative Research Design; Social Science Measurement: Design, Models and Strategy.


It should be highlighted, that the aim of Radboud University Summer school program is to bring together professors, researchers and doctoral students from different countries of the world in one educational space. Summer School modules are led by the experienced professors from both host and leading international Universities. 


Radboud University is one of the most important strategic partners of Caucasus University in the Netherlands under the framework of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program.