WICMI Certificate Program - "Share Knowledge, Share Experience" - Third Online Lecture

19 April 2022


On April 18, the third online lecture of the WICMI Certificate Program - "Share Knowledge, Share Experience" was held for students of Caucasus School of Media.


The lecture was given by the speaker and trainer Irina Soldatenko on the topic - "Communication technologies to promote students' innovative activities."


Irina Soldatenko is an Associate Professor at Kharkov National University. She is an experienced trainer on NGO PR, anti-corruption strategy and effective communication.


The latest program of the World Innovation and Change Management Institute - "Share Knowledge, Share Experience" - aims to attract and connect experts from 7 areas of interest (education, society, communications, management, environment, business and technology and data) with colleges and universities, which gives the students of the Caucasus School of Media the opportunity to attend lectures by the world's leading experts.


Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded a certificate that will give them a competitive edge in their professional activities.


Schedule of lectures for the following months:

Lecture IV - May 23, 11.00 am

Lecture V - June 13, 11.00 am