International Relations and Projects Department examines the documents submitted and selects and evaluates candidates. In the process, preference is given to the candidates with high academic performance (high GPA) and an international Certificate in the English language (IELTS- 6.0; TOEFL-78)
International Relations and Projects Department considers the applications submitted and the quotas offered by partner Universities. In the case the number of applicants exceeds the quotas set by the partner universities, students are allowed to change priorities (number one with number two, etc.) or together with the International Relations and Projects Department consider the other options of going to other partner universities
Within two weeks after submission, the applicants shall be notified at which University they have been nominated
Information/documentation on the selected candidates shall be sent to the host University
Final selection of the applicants is conducted by the host University
The host University is entitled to demand the nominated students take part in an additional, internal selection process