Our main goal is to "make them fall in love with their chosen profession," as we promise students. This would not be possible without the professional and practical lecturers who enthusiastically share their knowledge with the students.
And it is impossible to become tired or bored if you are employed in your profession and doing work that you enjoy. Doing what you enjoy is unquestionably a sign of success.
Programs in the School of Architecture and Design include professions that require both creative and practical thinking. That is why teaching based on multifaceted knowledge, the combination of practical and theoretical subjects, generates the important knowledge required for the student's personal development and professional development.
Although technological advancement now plays a significant role in professional careers, for which our programs are fully prepared, we believe that artistic subjects are essential for the development of creative thinking.
The main reason for our success is not only well-planned subjects, but also the consideration of students' thoughts and opinions, which results in a balanced and healthy environment.
We believe that the generation raised on the right values will be the generation that will be able to change the future of our country for the better.
Dean of Caucasus School of Architecture and Design
Mariam Menabde