On March 11 and 12, the competition " Architecton " was held for entrants on the campus of Caucasus University.
Architecture program students presentation
On November 16, Caucasus University architecture program students held a presentation at the CU campus.
Zurab Chikviladze's visit to CU campus
On September 2, Chugureti District Governor Mr. Zurab Chikviladze was hosted by Caucasus University President, Mr. Kakha Shengelia on CU campus.
Students from CU's architecture program meet with representatives of facade materials and technologies
On June 20 and 22, meetings with representatives of facade materials and technologies were organized for students of the architecture program by the architecture studio of Caucasus University.
A creative tour of CU's graphic design program
The creative tour of the graphic design program of the School of Architecture and Design took place at Caucasus University.
International conference: "Creating new investment opportunities in places of cultural importance"
On June 8-12, the head of the architecture studio of Caucasus University, Luka Kobalia, was in Romania within the framework of the international conference: "Creation of new investment opportunities in places of cultural importance" organized by the European Union and Black Sea Basin CBC.
Student Scientific Conference of the School of Architecture and Design
On June 1, the student scientific conference of the Caucasus School of Architecture and Design was held.
Memorandum of cooperation between CSA and 9 companies
On March 13, at Caucasus University, the Caucasus School of Architecture and Design signed a memorandum of cooperation with 9 companies from the private sector, as well as educational centers and associations.
The English-language Bachelor of Architecture program has been granted full accreditation
On January 24, the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement granted full accreditation to the English-language Bachelor of Architecture program of the Caucasus School of Architecture and Design.
კონკურსი არქიტექტონი აბიტურიენტებისთვის
16-17 დეკემბერს, კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტის კამპუსში, აბიტურიენტებისთვის კონკურსი „არქიტექტონი“ გაიმართა.