Triangle Effect of European Studies at Schools” (TEESS) - Meetings at the Project Evaluation Stage

5 October 2021

Caucasus University Erasmus + Jean Monnet project “Triangle Effect of European Studies at Schools” (TEESS) is coming to end. Since July, the project team has been actively working on evaluating the project in various areas, including surveying and interviewing project beneficiaries and students participating in the project. The evaluations of school principals, teachers and students were summarized at the end of September. The evaluation phase revealed that the project objectives had been achieved: Schools were given the opportunity to learn more about European integration and association with Europe; they started to implement received knowledge into practice and have a plan to use their experience in future activities, are motivated to be actively involved in the decision-making process that affects their lives; students have improved their skills in studying, understanding and evaluating problems related to European integration and association processes. Various ways of disseminating information about the project were discussed on the meetings. Project team discussed on the project submission on Jean Monnet discussion How to teach EU in formal and informal environment” on October 15, 2021.