Pilot project: "Development of small and medium business in Georgia".
Within the framework of the project, three seminars and a final conference were held:
- May 27 - Seminar: "Opportunities for Small and Medium Business Development in Georgia"
- May 28 - Seminar: "Union of University Science and Teaching in Georgia with Business"
- June 2 - Seminar: "Factors Determining Georgia's Innovation Potential and Conditions for Improvement"
- July 7 - Final Conference: "Prospects for Small and Medium Business Development in Georgia".
Participants: Representatives of academic circles, government and non-government organizations.
The conclusions and recommendations of the project participants were published in the form of a booklet, and the final results were discussed at the final conference.
Coordinator: Caucasus University.
The project was funded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
The project was completed on July 7, 2015.
The conclusions and recommendations of the project participants were published in the form of a booklet.
Project: International Week of Science and Innovation
- Promoting scientific research and innovation
- Demonstrate the scientific potential of the country
- Share international experience
- Introduce the achievements of Georgian and foreign researchers to the general public
- Increase the motivation of young researchers
- Involve students and schoolchildren in scientific research and innovation
- Bring education, science and culturetogether
During the week, Caucasus University presented for the third time at expo-Georgia Exhibition Pavilion:
- Collections of student international conferences
- Collections of scientific papers and papers of professors and teachers
- Study material
- Photo material of Georgian monuments discovered by the Caucasus University Research Group on the territory of Tao-Klarjeti
- Project organizer: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
- The week ended on November 17, 2015.
- The conclusion and recommendations of the project participants were published