Tution Fee

TOP 501 – Free tuition - If the entrant is among the top 501 in the competition and chooses Caucasus University as their first priority, they will study in any program with full funding.


CU grant - If the entrant chooses Caucasus University as their first priority and obtains a 100% or 70% state grant, they will receive an internal study grant for 4 years:






CU standard fee*

With 100% state grant*

CU grant with 100% state grant*

70% state grant*

When having CU grant (with 70% state grant)*

50% state grant*

Business administration 3 Year

8990 GEL

6740 GEL

3240 GEL

7415 GEL

3915 GEL

7865 GEL

Business administration (In English) 3 Year

8990 GEL

6740 GEL

3240 GEL

7415 GEL

3915 GEL

7865 GEL

Healthcare Management 3 Year


6990 GEL   6990 GEL  2240 GEL 5415 GEL  2915 GEL   5865 GEL


7590  GEL

5340 GEL

2640 GEL

6015 GEL

3315 GEL

6465 GEL

Journalism and Mass Communications 

6990 GEL

4740 GEL

2240 GEL

5415 GEL

2915  GEL

5865 GEL


7990 GEL

5740 GEL

2740  GEL

6415 GEL

3415 GEL

6865 GEL


6990 GEL

4740 GEL

2240 GEL

5415 GEL

2915 GEL

5865 GEL

Informatics (In English)

6990 GEL

4740 GEL

2440 GEL

5415 GEL

2915 GEL

5865 GEL

Electronics and Computer Engineering

4990 GEL

2740 GEL

1240 GEL

3415 GEL

1915 GEL

3865 GEL


7990 GEL

5740 GEL

3240 GEL

6415 GEL

3915 GEL

6865 GEL

Architecture (In English)

7990 GEL

5740 GEL

3240 GEL

6415 GEL

3915 GEL

6865 GEL

Graphic Design

7590 GEL

5340 GEL

2640 GEL

6015 GEL

3315 GEL

6465 GEL

Public Administration

6990 GEL

4740 GEL

2240 GEL

5415 GEL

2915 GEL

5865 GEL

Diplomacy and International Relations

6990 GEL

4740 GEL

2240 GEL

5415 GEL

2915 GEL

5865 GEL

Diplomacy and International Relations (In English)

6990  GEL

4740  GEL

2440 GEL

5415 GEL

3115 GEL

5865 GEL


5590 GEL

3340 GEL

1640 GEL

4015 GEL

2315 GEL

4465 GEL

Psychology (In English)

5590 GEL

3340 GEL

1640 GEL

4015 GEL

2315 GEL

4465 GEL


4590 GEL

2340 GEL

1040 GEL

3015 GEL

1715 GEL

3465 GEL

European Studies

4590 GEL

2340 GEL

1040 GEL

3015 GEL

1715 GEL

3465 GEL

English Philology

4590 GEL

2340 GEL

1040 GEL

3015 GEL

1715 GEL

3465 GEL


2990 GEL

740 GEL

1415 GEL


1865 GEL

Georgian Phylology

2990 GEL

740 GEL

1415 GEL


1865 GEL

Art Studies

5590 GEL

3340 GEL

1640 GEL

4015 GEL

2315 GEL

4465 GEL


4590 GEL

2340 GEL

1040 GEL

3015 GEL

1715 GEL

3465 GEL

MD Program

7990 GEL

5740 GEL

2740 GEL

6415 GEL

3415 GEL

6865 GEL

MD (Medical Doctor) Program (In English)

7990 GEL

5740 GEL

2740 GEL

6415 GEL

3415 GEL

6865 GEL


4990 GEL

2740 GEL

1240 GEL

3415 GEL

1915 GEL

3865 GEL

Economics (In English)

4990 GEL

2740 GEL

1240 GEL

3415 GEL

1915 GEL

3865 GEL

Integrated Program for Teachers of Primary School of Secondary Education


2990 GEL


740 GEL



1415 GEL


675 GEL


1865 GEL


*The table lists annual fees for the Bachelor’s Programs. 


Joint 3 year in Business Administration (with Rennes School of Business, France)

21500 GEL

Joint undergraduate program in Cyber Security with New Jersey University USA

21500 GEL

Joint undergraduate program in Computer Scinece with Fairleigh Dickinson University USA

21500 GEL

Joint undergraduate Program in Hospitality Management with Fairleigh Dickinson University USA

15500 GEL


* 100%, 70% 50% state grant applies to joint programs.


***During program mobility, when credits are recognized, the student may be required to pay the cost of any excess credits.