Registration for the second Lecture of the third cycle of the WICMI certificate program – “SHARE KNOWLEDGE, SHARE EXPERIENCE” – Has begun

11 March 2024

The World Innovation and Change Management Institute (WICMI) in cooperation with Caucasus University, invites Caucasus University's students to participate in a Certificate Program.


The purpose of the program is to connect experts from different fields with university students to share knowledge and acquire new experiences.


Within the program, Caucasus University students will have an opportunity to attend the lectures of world-renowned experts. Students who will participate in 50% of online lectures will be awarded a Certificate of Participation in the "Share Knowledge, Share Experience" program at the end of the academic year.

The program is free for Caucasus University students.


The Second lecture will be held March 11,  at 12:00 PM.


Lecture topic: How to Develop Relationships’’The lecture will be delivered by Jacqueline Purcell, Specialist in international Public Relations,International Award Winning Author and British Expertise Award Winner.


Those wishing to attend the lecture must pre-register at the link provided.

The 11th March Lecture registration deadline is- 9 March, 12:00 PM.


Lectures will be held through the Zoom platform. The meeting link will only be sent to registered students.


More information about WICMI can be found at the link.