Establishment of Quality Assurance Board (QAB) for Re-Direction Project at Caucasus University

4 June 2024

In line with our steadfast dedication to excellence and integrity, Caucasus University is in the process of establishing a Quality Assurance Board (QAB) to oversee and maintain the elevated standards of the Re-Direction Project deliverables and processes.

The QAB will play a pivotal role in evaluating and endorsing project deliverables upon their completion, ensuring that all outputs meet or surpass predetermined quality benchmarks. Additionally, the board will provide expert guidance and feedback to project teams to facilitate continuous improvement throughout the project lifecycle.

Eligibility requirements for QAB members include extensive experience in quality management within projects of similar scope, with backgrounds in education, technology, or social sciences. Ethical standards of integrity, objectivity, and commitment to project timelines and deliverable schedules are also essential.

Candidates will be selected based on their relevant professional experience, previous roles in managing or assuring quality in comparable projects, specific expertise related to the project's thematic areas, and demonstrated ability to work collaboratively within diverse teams.

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