On February 7, the public defense of the dissertation by Mariam Tarasashvili, a doctoral student in the Doctoral Program in International Relations at the School of Governance, will take place. Dissertation Title: "The Influence of the Host Country on the Development of the Democracy Promotion Strategy of the Donor Country: The Example of the United States and Ukraine." The scientific supervisor was Eka Akobia, Professor, Doctor of International Relations.
The dissertation defense will be held before the Dissertation Defense Commission, composed of the following members:
- Emir Eteria – Professor, Caucasus University
- Giorgi Tskhadaia – Professor, Caucasus University
- Nana Pirtskhelani – Associate Professor, Caucasus University
- Giorgi Muchaidze – Associate Professor, Caucasus University
- Korneli Kakachia – Professor, Tbilisi State University
- Sergi Kapanadze – Professor, Program Director
The reviewers of Mariam Tarasashvili's dissertation are professors and experts in the relevant field: 1) Professor from Ilia State University; 2) Associate Professor from Tbilisi State University.
The defense will be held on February 7 at 16:00, Institute for Peace Studies (Auditorium D33).