- Elsevier B.V. - information and analytics company specializing in scientific, technical, and medical content, which combines the following products:
Science Direct - an online collection of science journals that hosts over 18 million pieces of content from more than 4,000 academic journals and 30,000 e-books. The journals are united in 4 directions: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences and Humanities.
Scopus - A database of citations and abstracts covering a series of books and journals. Includes up to 35,000 peer-reviewed scientific journals from the fields of life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences and health sciences. Unlike ScienceDirect, only the titles of the journals are indexed and ranked here, not allowing access to the texts of the articles.
Sci-val Funding (Funding Institutional) - This database combines information on up to 5,000 grant funding sources for both government and private donors.
- Mendeley - software that enables citation management as well as generating bibliographies of research papers
Legal Source provides full-text coverage of world-renowned legal scholarly journals, is an authoritative source of information on current issues, research and trends in the legal world.
The collection includes over 1,200 full-text journals and over 2.5 million records, including book reviews and case citations. The Legal Source provides information on law disciplines and legal topics such as criminal law, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical law, labor and human resources law, ethics and the environment.
EBSCO HOST is a digital repository/electronic library, which includes up to 600 thousand electronic resources (articles, books). It also has two collections indexing journals in the field of politics and the humanities: Political Science Complete; Humanities International Complete.
Emerald Insight - provides abstracts and full-text articles from academic journals covering the subject areas of management, Accounting, Finance & Economics eJournal Collection
HeinOnline Digital repository/electronic library specialized in the field of law. Includes both cases and state regulations, academic materials, texts of international agreements.
Taylor and Francis A publishing house that publishes up to 7,000 books and 2,700 academic journals annually in the humanities and social sciences, law and education.