A paper by Professor Maksim Iavich in the Journal of Network and Computer Applications

3 June 2024

The scientific work titled "Enhanced Detection of Low-Rate DDoS Attack Patterns Using Machine Learning Models," authored by Maksim Iavich, Professor at Caucasus University and Director of the Cyber Security Center, was published in the Journal of Network and Computer Applications.


The Journal of Network and Computer Applications is renowned as one of the most influential and prestigious journals within the field of computer science, particularly in the domain of computer networks and related applications.


The Journal of Network and Computer Applications is in the Q1 quartile of the Web of Science (Clarivate) and Scopus academic database rankings. The journal's citation rate is: 19, and its impact factor: 8.7


The research was carried out in collaboration with Associate Professor Razvan Bocu from the University of Brasov, Romania.


Article link.