Article by Associate Professor Giorgi Tskhadaia in an indexed scientific journal

19 June 2021

Giorgi Tskhadaia, an associate professor at the Caucasus University School of Governance, published an article in the scientific journal “Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory”. The article is titled "Revisiting the Habermasian charge of performative contradiction: deconstruction as a theoretical and normative project”. The journal is indexed by Taylor and Francis Publishing.


The article evaluates the main evidence of Jacques Derrida's philosophy/deconstruction. In particular, the author was interested in the extent to which deconstruction could respond to the accusation of the famous German philosopher Jürgen Habermas, according to whom it is impossible to criticize reason by the very method of rationality. The author argues that deconstruction is indeed characterized by performative resistance. In the article the author offers a way to overcome this problem. Seeing Derrida's proof of deconstruction in this article in a new light will contribute to a new understanding of political philosophy and theory.

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