The Project - Awareness Raising and Application of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Vocational Education Final Conference

18 September 2024

On September 12-13, the final conference for the collaborative project between Caucasus University and Batumi State Maritime Academy took place, focusing on Awareness Raising and Application of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Vocational Education. This initiative was supported by the Vocational Skills Agency.


The conference commenced with Irena Melua, Vice President of Caucasus University for Internationalization. Following her remarks, Irma Grdzelidze – Director of the International Accreditation Office and Strategic Development Department at Caucasus University, outlined the project's implementation phases, highlighted key activities, and discussed the results achieved and their practical applications. The event was attended by beneficiaries, project team representatives, and officials from the Skills Agency.


The main goal of the project is raising awareness for sustainable development and environmental protection, also strengthening ties between young generations. In order to realize the mentioned goal, personal of Caucasus University in collaboration with Jan Besada, Expert, Head of National Centre for Distance Education at Centre for Higher Education Studies of Czech searched relevant materials for conducting training, reviewed literature and examples of practical experience, also, existing materials were adapted and presentations were made taking into consideration of target audience, also, Basic and advanced courses about sustainable development goals were held at both location of the Maritime Academy in Batumi and Poti branches, which helped beneficiaries to understand better the important role of sustainable development goals for personal and institutional operations and necessity of projects implementation. It is worth noting that processed materials about sustainable development integrated in syllabuses within the project framework.


Project helped develpment of personal, social, learning, cultural awareness and expression competence, also development of mental activities, formation of moral values and development of pluralism.