Caucasus University Releases Comprehensive Gap Analysis Report on Green Tourism Practices in Georgia and Moldova

18 July 2024

Within the Erasmus+ CBHE project "Designing Green Tourism Concept through Learning" Caucasus University has released a comprehensive gap analysis report on green tourism practices in Georgia and Moldova.


The study, led by Caucasus Tourism School Professor Giorgi Bregadze, identifies current practices, challenges, and future needs for developing sustainable tourism services in these regions.

Key findings highlight significant challenges, including regulatory hurdles, resource limitations, and market demand issues that hinder sustainable tourism development. The report also underscores the need for enhanced knowledge and competencies to ensure sustainable development.

The research involved contributions from partners in Moldova and the EU, with the University of Genoa along with other EU universities conducting a best practices study. These findings will inform future training programs and workshops aimed at improving green tourism practices in Georgia and Moldova.


You can find the results of the survey of Georgia and Moldova at the link.


The report on best practices in sustainable tourism in  EU countries can be found at the link.


In addition to Caucasus University, the project involves eight other private and public universities, including leading European institutions from Austria, Moldova, Italy, and Finland. The project is coordinated by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.


For more information, please visit the project website.