Cooperation agreement between Caucasus University and Excelia Group, France

19 July 2024

Caucasus University and Excelia Group, France, have signed the cooperation agreement.


Ecxelia Group is a private educational institution founded in 1988 in La Rochelle. Today it combines the schools of business, tourism and digital communication. The main research activities of the institute are related to digitalisation, innovation and sustainable development. Excelia Group is an international institution offering a variety of study programs to international students.


It should be noted that Excelia Group is an institution with triple crown international accreditations - AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA. Similarly, to the Caucasus Tourism School, Exelia Tourism School has obtained the International Certificate of the United Nations World Tourism Organization - TedQual.


The cooperation aims to offer a s semester exchange programs between tourism faculties as well as the participation of students in various short-term/summer school programs.