11 May 2024

On May 7-11, Caucasus University hosted the International Staff Week Program, where over 20 academic and administrative staff members from 15 European partner universities participated.


Participants of the program were provided with comprehensive information regarding the university's mission, internationalization policy, and international relations, as well as the activities of the university's services and departments.


Representatives of partner universities had the opportunity to participate in interactive sessions on the following current topics: Internationalization in the Higher Education Sector; Introduction to the CUnicorn Startup Acceleration Program and Workshop; Study Abroad – Georgian Case Study; Brief Introduction to CU’s International Projects and a Workshop on Exploring Joint Opportunities; Creative Thinking - Strategies for Thinking out of the Box and Generating Innovative Ideas.


Notably, During the week, lectures and masterclasses were conducted in collaboration with the appropriate faculties of Caucasus University for the professors from participating universities and for the administrative staff meetings were scheduled with the relevant schools and departments. lecturers were hosted by the School of Business and School of Media of Caucasus University, and the administrative staff was hosted by the Caucasus School of Architecture and Design and the Department of Student and Corporate Events.


Furthermore, an educational fair was organized with the involvement of the colleagues from the partner Universities. Participants of the staff week had the possibility to present their home Universities and programs to Georgian and International Students, as well as the country and culture.


At the end of the International Week program, certificates of participation were awarded to the attending professors and administrative staff.