CU study tour in Greece

19 February 2023


The students from Caucasus University visited Athens, Greece, on a study tour that was arranged by the university's Student and Organizational Event Department.


As part of the tour, students visited various sights, cultural and historical monuments of Athens, namely: the Acropolis, Acropolis Museum, Delphi, Sounion, Archaeological Museum, and Benaki Museum. They learned about Greek history and mythology. Tatia Mtvarelidze, a Hellenist and translator, led the CU study tour.


In addition to the aforementioned, the students visited the Georgian Institute at Athens and the cultural-educational center "Caucasus," the founder of which is the famous Georgian Hellenist Avtandil Mikaberidze, honorary doctor of Caucasus University. Dr. Kakha Shengelia, President of Caucasus University, presented him with memorable gifts.


The Athens Education and Culture Center was established in early 2006. The center houses two non-governmental organizations, as well as several teaching-creative studios and offices. For many years, "Caucasus" has also hosted the international non-governmental organization Greek Forum of Migrant.