18 July 2024

On July 10, Caucasus School of Governance held a thesis defense for students of Master’s degree programs in Diplomacy and International Relations. Students presented their MA theses in front of the defense Commission.


Commission members included: – Dr. Eka Akobia, Dean, Professor; Dr. Giorgi Tskhadaia, Professor, Dr. Giorgi Muchaidze, Associate Professor; Dr. Nana Pirtskhelani, Associate Professor.


The following MA theses were presented:


  1. Giorgi Amashukeli - ”Indirect control of opinion and governance: the "sharp power" of authoritarian states and their aspiration towards regional hegemony”


Supervisor:  Giorgi Tskhadaia, Professor.


  1. Rusudan Davitadze – "Turkey, a member of NATO and ally of the West or an independent player"


Supervisor:  Giorgi Tskhadaia, Professor.


  1. Irakli Buishvili – “"Russia-China geopolitical ambitions and the role of energy diplomacy in the Arctic region"


Supervisor:  Nana Pirtskhelani, Affiliate Associate Professor.


  1. Niko Kartvelishvili – “The role of technologies in International Relations: Social Media as a modern information weapon in global politics”


Supervisor: Giorgi Tskhadaia, Professor.


  1. Ivene Aptsiauri – “Geopolitical challenges on the path of Georgia’s Europeanization”


Supervisor:  Sergi Kapanadze, Invited Professor.


  1. Irakli Nioradze – “Zeitenwende: The Shift in Germany's Security Vision and Its Impact on EU Geopolitics in Response to Russian Invasion"


Supervisor: Giorgi Muchaidze, Affiliate Associate Professor.