Defense of the doctoral thesis of Mikheil Nonikashvili, a doctoral student of the CSB English-Language Doctoral Program in Management

9 July 2024

On July 9, the public defense of Mikheil Nonikashvili's dissertation - "The Role of Strategic Foresight and Dynamic Capabilities in Sustaining Corporate Longevity in the Context of Fintech Disruption A Case Study of Financial Institutions in Georgia" was held at Caucasus University.


The scientific supervisor was Roya Anwar, associate professor.


The defense of the dissertation was held before the dissertation board, with the following composition:


  • Elene Jgharkava, Associate Professor, Dean of the School of Business, Caucasus University;
  • Roya Anvari, Associate Professor, University of Georgia
  • Tengiz Taktakishvili, Associate Professor, School of Business, Caucasus University;
  • Boris (Buba) Lezhava, professor, vice-president in the field of research and strategic development, Caucasus University;
  • Ekaterine Natsvlishvili, affiliated, associate professor, European University;


At the defense, the doctoral student presented the dissertation and answered questions. The reviewer, Tengiz Taktakishvili, associate professor of Caucasus University, then provided his evaluations of the work.


According to the assessment of the board, Mikheil Nonikashvili successfully defended his dissertation and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Management.