Professor Shabtai Tsuri Honorary Doctor Award Ceremony

2 December 2021

On November 30, on the campus of Caucasus University, Professor Shabtai Tsur was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of Caucasus University.

 Professor Shabtai Tsuri was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of Caucasus University for his outstanding contribution to the development of Georgian-Israeli relations.

 The event was attended by government officials, as well as honorary guests from Israel and Georgia, who addressed the audience and spoke about the successes achieved by Professor Shabtai Tsuri in Georgian-Israeli relations.

 During the ceremony, the President of Caucasus University, Dr. Kakha Shengelia, addressed the invited guests. He spoke about the importance of Shabtai Tsuri’s activities and evaluated his past.

 The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Mikheil Chkhenkeli also addressed the audience.

Shabtai Tsuri has made a significant contribution to the development of Georgian-Israeli relations and has achieved a number of successes in this direction.

 Professor Shabtai Tsuri was the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Georgia in 2016-2019, and from 2020 to the present, Chairman of the company Toto and Director of the Port of Ashdod.