Second Year Report of the Jean Monnet Module

2 July 2024

On July 2, 2024, at the meeting of the Governing Board of the Caucasus University, the report of the second year (2023-2024) implementation progress repot of the Jean Monnet Module "Europeanization of law programs was heard. (On September 8, 2023, at the meeting of the Governing Board of the Caucasus University, the report of the first year (2022-2023) implementation progress report of the Jean Monnet Module was presented).


Jean Monnet Professor Guranda Chelidze presented the report of the second year. The report was prepared by Jean Monnet professors Ekaterine Kardava and Guranda Chelidze.


For the second year, the following key activities were highlighted and summarized:


  • Teaching about the European Union (full course) at the MA law program (in two groups - direct 56 contact hours);
  • Teaching about the European Union (mini-lectures) at the BA Law program (in the Fall semester - 15 hours in 5 groups and in the Spring semester - 6 hours in 2 groups);
  • Summer School at Akhaltsikhe State University - special trainings for the youth of the ethnical minority region (3 days training - 24 hours);
  • Scientific-research actions, such as participation in conferences, writing/publishing an article (in the context of specifics of teaching of the EU in General and within the Jean Monnet module);
  • Information and communication strategic actions, such as the EU accession package 2023, the granting of candidacy to Georgia and, in general, the promotion of Jean Monnet activities in Georgia (public lectures at the Caucasus University; "Jean Monnet Day" in Georgia, etc.).
  • Elaboration of Policy Recommendation Document - "How to teach EU in regions and to ethnic minorities".
  • Development of summer school training module;
  • Evaluation of the financial expenditure part of the module;
  • Student surveys and module evaluation;
  • Managing the website of the module;
  • Planning, reporting, monitoring;


The report of the second year of the module was heard by the Governing Board of the Caucasus University. The management board includes the president of Caucasus University, vice-presidents, deans of various schools, heads of structural units (departments).