Teaching process is structured around semesters. All teaching components last one semester. A semester consists of calendar weeks. Each week comprises contact hours, as well as, hours for independent work. Semester may include 2 or 16 calendar weeks. The number of weeks for each semester is planned individually according to each cohort.
The official duration of the program is 3 years (6 semesters). Maximum duration is 5 years (10 semesters). PhD in Management program consists of the teaching component (60 ECTS credits) and a research component that comprises no less than 2 years (4 academic semesters).
I Year | II Year | III Year |
42 ECTS | 18 ECTS | 4 Academic Semesters |
Seminars and Methodological Courses | Teaching and Assistantship Component | Dissertation |
Out of 60 ECTS of teaching component:
- 34 ECTS credits contribute to the mandatory seminars and methodology courses;
- 6 ECTS credits contribute to the elective (optional) seminars (students can choose one of the elective seminars);
- 20 ECTS credits contribute to the mandatory teaching/assistanship module.
Before defending the dissertation, the doctoral student is required to:
- To participate in the scientific conference in the direction of the dissertation topic;
- The doctoral student is obliged to publish at least two scientific articles (or to have consent for publication). Among them, one article should be published in a refereed (peer-reviewed) journal with a foreign international index corresponding to the specificity of the field. Published articles should be thematically related to the thesis topic;
- After registering on the research component, PhD student is obliged to present a report on the work completed at the end of each semester in accordance with pre-defined forms.
Detailed information can be found in the Curriculum of the English-language Doctoral Program in Management.
See Program.
Program Brochure