Tengiz Verulava authored a research paper published in international referred Journal

22 November 2021

In the international peer-reviewed journal Arterial Hypertension was published the scientific paper „Knowledge, Awareness, Attitude and Medication Compliance in Patients with Hypertension“.

The journal Arterial Hypertension is indexed in the international scientific database of SCOPUS-ის (Elsevier)  -  https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100802910

Authors of the paper are:

Tengiz Verulava, Doctor of Medicine, Professor at the School of Medicine and Health Management, Caucasus University;

Giorgi Mikiashvili - Master, Caucasus University School of Medicine and Health Management, Caucasus University.

Short description of the article:

Recognition of the importance of systolic blood pressure (SBP) level has been considered as one of the major public health challenges in the prevention and treatment of hypertension HTN. Studies indicate that approximately most of the patients with HTN don’t control the SBP. The purpose of the study was to assess the patient's knowledge, awareness and attitude about HTN, especially related to SPB and their compliance to antihypertensive treatment.

Tengiz Verulava, Giorgi Mikiashvili. Knowledge, Awareness, Attitude and Medication Compliance in Patients with Hypertension. Arterial Hypertension. 2021. [Crossref] [Google Scholar].

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