Program Structure

Bachelor’s program in Public Administration is comprised of 240 ECTS, 60 ECTS per year, 30 ECTS per semester. Official duration of the Bachelor program is 4 academic years.


The semester is a combination of weeks allocated for active studies, period of scheduled or additional examinations. The academic year is a combination of semesters and holidays. 1 ECTS credit is equal to 25 hours, which includes both the student's contact load and his / her independent work time. In addition to this, it is also possible to organize a summer semester. In such a case, student should take into account the fact that he / she is not entitled to take more than 75 ECTS credits during one academic year.


Upon expiration of the Bachelor program a student, with outstanding academic obligations may continue his/her studies during the additional semesters (no more than 4 semesters) with the purpose of completing the educational program, simultaneously keeping the student status. Possible scheme of the distribution of 240 ECTS credits:


180 ECTS of the Bachelor’s Program in Public Administration are allocated for acquiring professional competencies, including: 


a) 15 credits – general courses;

b) 20 credits – English language;

c) 20 credits – Second foreign language;

d) 125 credits - field and professional mandatory subjects;

e) 60 credits – elective courses, 20 ECTS free credits.