Eliso Chinchaladze’s MA thesis defense at the Caucasus School of Governance

27 January 2023

On January 26, Caucasus School of Governance held the defense of Eliso Chinchaladze’s MA thesis. Mrs. Chinchaladze is a student of Diplomacy and International Relations MA program at the Caucasus School of Governance.


The defense of the thesis was attended by the members of the MA thesis defense Commission: Dr. Eka Akobia - Dean of the Caucasus School of Governance, Professor; Dr. Giorgi Tskhadaia - Associate Professo; Dr. Giorgi Muchaidze - Associate Professor; Dr. Sergi Kapanadze – Invited Professor (thesis supervisor).


In her thesis – “Factors Causing the decentralization of Hungary” master student has  investigated how much the goal of maintaining power effect the quality of democracy and in what cases  it leads to the “de-Europeanization”. Student carried out the study of de-Europeanization in a theoretical framework of “neo-functionalism” and specifically the concept of “spill backs” based on the work of Philippe Schmitter and Zoe Lefkofridi. The research showed that the more government tries to use its power to maintain governance, the more the  country moved away from European principles and we face de-Europeanization. To support this opinion, student carried out a single case study. She studied Hungary’s domestic political environment including: legislative changes and other fields (education, electoral environment, social and economic policy, media environment, judiciary and other branches of government).


Represented thesis received a very good assessment from the commission.