CSH Affiliate Professor Scholarly Monograph on Rhetoric

8 May 2024

The distinguished international academic publishing house, Peter Lang, has released the scientific monograph authored by Vladimir Luarsabishvili, an affiliated professor at Caucasus University, in Spanish, on rhetoric - Retórica cultural: metáfora, contexto, traducción - Las voces de Rubén Darío, Miguel de Unamuno, Gabriel Aresti, Kirmen Uribe y Harkaitz Cano


It's worth mentioning that in 2024, the aforementioned publishing house also released a book co-authored by Vladimir Luarsabishvili, focusing on the legitimization of violence amid the Covid-19 pandemic:The Legitimization of Violence. Individual, Crowd, and Authority during the Covid-19 Pandemic.


The books are intended both for scientific circles and for a wide audience interested in the issue.