Meeting with the academic staff with a view to introducing them with the research incentive mechanisms

26 June 2024

On June 25, a meeting was held with Caucasus University academic staff with a view to introducing them with the mechanisms of encouraging and supporting research activities at the University. The meeting was chaired by Sofo Kobakhidze, Director of the University Research Facilitation Department.


The participants were introduced with the possibilities of promoting scientific research, enhancing the research potential and implementing an innovative culture. The meeting discussed three main directions implemented with the involvement of the Research Facilitation Department: ranking of research products, financial support of research activities and internationalization.


The attendees received detailed information about the announced grant competition for internal university funding of research activities, the rules for evaluating the research activities carried out by the academic staff affiliated with Caucasus University during the academic year, the remuneration for publication of scientific articles according to the internal university ranking system, and other important issues.


The competition for identifying the "Best Scientist of the Year" and its terms and conditions were also discussed.  Readiness of the Research Facilitation Department, within the scope of competence, to consult any interested researcher and provide practical advice was emphasized.


The meeting was held in an interactive mode; The participants received comprehensive information on issues of interest to them in question-answer format.