The results of a study conducted at Caucasus University titled “Knowledge and Practices of Nurses on Prevention of Nosocomial Infection in Emergency Care Hospitals” were published in the influential international refereed journal “Malta Medical Journal”.
The author of the paper is: Professor of the Caucasus University School of Business, Head of the Institute of Healthcare Policy Tengiz Verulava.
Article link.
The journal “Malta Medical Journal” is indexed in the SCOPUS international scientific database.
Developing countries such as Georgia, face up to Nosocomial infections (Nis) which is a key problem of healthcare system. The main reason for reducing relevance to this practice is the lack of knowledge about infection control practices among healthcare workers. While nurses play a unique role in the hospital infection control processes, the goal of the study is to assess the knowledge and practices of nurses regarding NIs in emergency care hospitals. The study has shown that most of the nurses had a sufficient level of knowledge about NIs, but their practices to reduce the spread of infection were not up to a satisfactory level. There was a significant relationship between knowledge and practices, which include attending NIs training courses and practices to gain professional experience However, nurses are less likely to follow recommendations to reduce nosocomial infections. Adequate education on the management and prevention of Nis infections is essential for healthcare workers through regular educational programs.