Online presentation of the master's program in digital logistics management

11 February 2025

An online presentation of the digital logistics management master's program will be held on February 11, at 18:00.


Logistics is a high-tech field, which is facing a deep shortage of experienced personnel both in Georgia and around the world. Today, the profession of logistician is one of the most in demand worldwide. The position of the Logistics Manager is one of key managers in company, who plans and manages the entire supply chain, starting with the purchase of raw materials, production to delivery of the product to the final customer.


The joint program of Caucasus University and TH Wildau gives the student a unique opportunity to obtain a higher-level education in logistics management and technology and to establish an international logistics career.


The Digital Logistics Management Program is a joint master's program of the TH Wildau and Caucasus School of Technology, it is the only one in the region that provides a joint degree.


If you have an interest in business or logistics and want to align your future endeavors with logistics management, attend the presentation. You'll have the opportunity to gain comprehensive insights into the program and have your questions addressed.


Interested persons, register via the link.


For more information, visit the link