Architecture workshop for students of Tbilisi private school - "Green School"

16 February 2023

On February 15, students of the third grade of Tbilisi private school - "Green School" - visited Caucasus University. Makuna Menabde, dean of the Caucasus School of Architecture and Design, conducted the workshop for them.


The workshop touched on the following topics: What is architecture and to what extent does it enter our daily life? What fields does architecture combine?


Within the framework of the event, the students of the school themselves created models of four different environments:


  • School
  • Residential houses
  • Office buildings
  • Green space


After making the models, the students put all the spaces together and created a small settlement. Architecture is the environment where we live and it defines our daily life.


The workshop was held within the framework of the "Green School" project - "Architecture and Design" - which includes the following subjects: social science, technology and natural science. The central idea of the project is the design and structure of buildings. Students will study the following issues: what to consider when designing a building structure; What does the material look like? How do we know that the structure is successful; How interior colors affect mood, etc.


After the workshop, the students toured Caucasus University and shared their views and opinions about the university and different spaces.

The building of Caucasus University is historical and was built in 1909. At first it was a seminary of Nerses and its history goes back to the first half of the nineteenth century.