"History Center for Entrants - ICA" information meeting

12 December 2022

On December 10, an information session was held for "ICA" center entrants.


At the event, participants learned about the Caucasus University undergraduate programs, as well as the numerous innovations and opportunities available to them.


The meeting was held in an interactive format, allowing the audience to receive comprehensive answers to important questions. Following the presentation, the participants met with the deans of the schools and received detailed information about the programs in which they intend to enroll.


The meeting was traditionally concluded with a campus tour, which allowed participants to become acquainted with the environment and infrastructure of CU.


It should be noted that Caucasus University and the "History Center for Entrants - ICA" have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.


The Memorandum of Cooperation envisages the parties planning and carrying out joint projects, events, and various types of activities, as well as exchanging and sharing knowledge, experience, and information in educational, scientific, and other fields.