Mini-Lectures - 2024-2025 Academic Year

26 September 2024



Mini-Lectures for BA LAW students  within the Jean Monnet Module  Fall Semester, 2024-2025 Teaching Year



In 2022, the Jean Monnet Module "EUropeanization of law programs in Georgia" 101084764 — EU-LP-GE) of the Caucasus University (namely the Caucasus Law School) was granted the support from the European Commission. The author of the JM Module is prof. Ekaterine KARDAVA. The JM Module is led by professors Guranda CHELIDZE and Ekaterine Kardava.


Within the module, in the Fall semester of the 2024-2005 academic year, on September 24 and 26,  3-hour lectures on "European Union Law and European Union Policy" was held in 4 groups for the students of the BA Law program, in particular, for the students registered for the teaching course of Labour Law and Human Rights Law. Students of other education programs and teaching courses attended as well; totally – 127 students (93 Female and 34 Male).


The lecture touched the following topics:


  • EU Labour Law;
  • Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU;
  • EU formation and Enlargement;
  • EU goals and values;
  • Copenhagen
  • EU membership situation of Georgia and current tasks;
  • Future perspectives.


Students asked questions of law and political nature. Within the framework of competencies, answers were given by professors Guranda Chelidze and Ekaterine Kardava.