Public Lecture on "World: Past and Future"

3 October 2016

On October 3, Caucasus University hosted a public lecture on "The Universe: Looking Backward – Looking Forward".


The public lecture was delivered by Carnegie Mellon and Ilia State University Professor Tinatin Kakhniashvili.



Cosmology is the science of the universe. The first cosmological observation was made in 1929 by Edwin Hubble, who also showed that the universe was expanding, which was proven by George Lemeter (1927) confirming the model of the universe created by Einstein's theory of general relativity. The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries are often referred to as the "golden age" of cosmology, as we can restore the picture of the universe billions of years ago and also predict the distant future of the universe: modern cosmological observations allow us to "see" the baby universe, “travel” to the earliest stages and the future of the universe, and theorize about its birth.