School of Governance simulation game for entrants "Manage the State"

28 February 2024

On February 27, Caucasus University hosted a state management simulation game titled "Manage the State" for prospective students interested in public administration and diplomacy.


Using a special computer game and with the help of academic staff, the prospective students got to know the complex world of politics and learned:


  • What does it mean to manage the state? What is effective public administration?
  • What political capital and budgetary resources are needed to pursue desired policies in different areas?
  • What is the relationship between voters, electoral groups, ideologies, civil unions and election results?
  • How does the flight of a butterfly in one area of government lead to a storm in another?
  • How are politics, economics, security, domestic and international politics intertwined?


Orientation meeting and simulation were led by: Dean of the School of Governance, Eka Akobia; Giorgi Tskhadaia, associate professor of political philosophy and ideologies of public administration and diplomacy and international relations bachelor’s and master’s programs, and Emir Eteria, professor of economics.


Participants were given certificates of participation.