Students of Double Degree 3-year Undergraduate Program in Cybersecurity Are In USA

14 February 2025

The first intake of students from Caucasus University's double degree 3-year Undergraduate Program of Cybersecurity with the New Jersey City University are now in USA, where they will complete their final semester of study.


The program is the first of its kind in Georgia with no analogues. It offers students the opportunity to study in a The first two years in Georgia, and the last year in the USA and get two university degrees.


New Jersey City University is one of the state's highest profile universities and one of the few institutions in the country to have federal rights in both cybersecurity and intelligence. The New Jersey City University Cyber ​​Defense Program has been named the National Center for Academic Arts in Cyber ​​Defense Education (CAE-CDE);


For more information about the program, visit the link