Tengiz Verulava's research published in a highly rated international journal

26 August 2024

Tengiz Verulava's study "Anti-Tobacco Counseling Practice and Physicians' Attitudes towards Tobacco Smoking" was published in the highly rated international refereed journal The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development.


Article link.


"The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development" is indexed in Elsevier SCOPUS international scientific database.


Physicians play an important role in tobacco smoking (TS) cessation in patients. The formation of patients’ attitudes and the implementation of prevention measures are usually influenced and affected by physicians smoking behavior and their knowledge and beliefs about the harmful effects of tobacco. The study aims to analyze physicians' attitudes towards TS and counseling patients on tobacco prevention. Physicians have a high prevalence rate of TS, although they have enough information about the role of tobacco in the development of various diseases. The highest rate of tobacco consumption was found among surgeons. According to the majority of respondents, physicians should not use tobacco due to their profession, as they are responsible for setting an example for their patients. A physician's advice against tobacco use motivates patients to quit.