Monographic work of CSL doctoral program graduate published by "Bona Causa" publishing house

27 August 2024

Caucasus University and "Bona Causa" publishing house published the monographic work "The Standard of Equal Protection of The Rights and Obligations of Parties in a Loan Agreement" by Professor Irakli Shamatava, a graduate of the doctoral program of the School of Law.


The monographic work is based on the doctoral thesis of the same name, which was defended at the Caucasus University School of Law (supervisor: Professor Levan Gotua; reviewers: Professor Tamar Lakerbaia and Professor Ketevan Meskhishvili).


The book presents precedents from general courts as well as foreign justice practices. The monographic work focuses on the equality of protection of the legal balance and contains many details that are valuable for Georgian jurisprudence.


The work is recommended both for those involved in the loan-credit legal relations and for a wider audience of readers interested in active citizenship.