The startup "Mimirex" by Giorgi Burduli and his team is the winner of the grant competition

4 November 2023

The Startup “Mimirex,” which is founded by Director of Caucasus University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Giorgi Burduli and his team, is the winner of Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency’s (GITA) 150 000 GEL Matching Grants Program.


,,Mimirex'' is a marketplace connecting users seeking to start a tech career, migrate to the tech industry, or enhance their tech skills, with experienced professionals in the field, who can monetize their free time through providing personalized coaching on the platform.


Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency announced the 150,000 GEL Matching Grants Program on July 13, 2023, for the eleventh time. The purpose of this program is to foster the development of innovative products and services with international potential in Georgia, promote their commercialization, and stimulate the creation of innovative startups.


The 20 winning participants of the program were selected by an investment committee composed of high-level international venture investors: Tim Wagner, Sasha Michaud, Marvin Liao, Zaza Pachulia, and Ayash Pubmra.