Training of trainers at BCC

15 July 2024

From June 16 to 29, a two-week Training of Trainers program took place at the prestigious Basque Culinary Center (BCC) in San Sebastián, Spain.


Established in 2011 by Mondragon University and renowned Basque chefs, the BCC is globally recognized as a leading institution in gastronomic education. It houses a Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences and a Centre for Research and Innovation, creating a unique ecosystem that integrates training, innovation, research, and entrepreneurship. The center features state-of-the-art kitchens, research laboratories, and a sensory analysis classroom, all designed to provide an optimal learning environment.


The "Gurjaani Academy - Regional Gastronomic Buildup" project, supported by the USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program and implemented by Caucasus University in partnership with Silk Hospitality and the Gastronomic Tourism Business Association of Georgia (GTBA), aims to establish a unique educational hub and enhance the skills and qualifications of trainers in Georgia’s gastronomy sector. This initiative leverages the innovative and excellence-driven approach of the BCC to elevate the standards of culinary education and training in Georgia. Nine trainers from Georgia were selected through a rigorous process led by the Basque Culinary Center.


These trainers specialize in confectionery, baking, and F&B (Food and Beverage) management. The objective was to elevate their professional skills to international standards, thereby contributing to the growth and development of Georgia's gastronomy at a broader scale​. The training program was comprehensive, combining theoretical and practical learning experiences.


It included the following modules:


  • Confectionery and pastry arts
  • Advanced Baking techniques
  • Food and Beverage management


The training sessions were led by leading specialists from the Basque Culinary Center, ensuring that the participants received high-quality guidance from experts in the field. Upon successful completion of the training, the participating Georgian gastronomy specialists were awarded certificates from BCC and CU, acknowledging their enhanced skills and knowledge. In addition to classroom trainings, the participants visited various restaurant establishments showcasing a range of culinary styles and operations. They also enjoyed dining experiences at Michelin-starred restaurants, gaining insights into high-end gastronomy and operational excellence.


For the Georgian gastronomy, sharing the experience of internationally recognized gastronomic centers plays a significant role. This project is part of a broader strategy to foster international cooperation and knowledge exchange and upskill the Georgian population to meet the evolving demand of the gastronomy industry actors. This training initiative is expected to have a ripple effect, enhancing the overall quality and reputation of Georgian gastronomy on the global stage. By equipping local trainers with advanced skills, the project aims to nurture a new generation of culinary professionals who can contribute to the country's cultural and economic growth through gastronomy.