CU what? Where? When? For students

6 December 2021

On December 4, CU What? Where? When? Was held on the campus of Caucasus University. The winner was the team “Leftovers”, whose members were students from Caucasus School of Law, Governance and Economics.

The second place was taken by the Caucasus School of Business team, and the third place was taken by the Caucasus Humanities and Social Sciences team. 42 teams from different schools participated in the game.

The first, second and third place teams received 600, 400 and 200 GEL gift vouchers from the Caucasus University bookstore "Librarea".

The winning team of CU What? Where? When? Received the Transitional Cup from Dean of Caucasus School of Economics, member of the Intellectual Club What? Where? When? Soso Berikashvili.

CU what? Where? When? Will also be held at Caucasus University in the spring.

The game was organized by the Student Service of Caucasus University with the help of the Dean of the Caucasus School of Economics, Ioseb Berikashvili.